Cheese, choose a beautifully balanced selection of our top-notch cheeses, ensuring a variety of flavours and textures.

We are using always the best selection of french and English cheese for your cheese board selection .

Some Cheese we love ! 

Epoisse : Epoisse is a cow’s milk cheese that is washed in Marc de Bourgogne to create a pungent, almost spicy classic. It has an orangey soft rind, that when pierced leads to a soft melting cheese, pungent and rich.

Comté : comté is a delicious cow’s milk cheese with a nutty taste and very slightly crumbly texture. It is very versatile and pairs well with fruit, chutney or white wine

Aged blue stilton :Stilton is always a great inclusion on any cheeseboard and tasty in it’s own right, but this Stilton works fantastically not just with a regular cracker or biscuit.

Reblochon : Reblochon has a slight scent of the cellar and a mild fruity taste with an intense nutty aftertaste. Its delicate and subtle flavours go well with a glass of Savoie wine.

Irish goat cheese : is a spectacle of contrast in colour, texture and taste. It’s unbelievable when sliced thinly, placed on black charcoal crackers with a slither of ripe fig.

Langues :  At The Courtyard Dairy the Langres is washed with Marc de Bourgogne additional times to intensify the flavour.  Aged eight weeks, it is creamy and sumptuous, with a slight alcoholic note.

Cheese Board

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